About Us

About Us

Shree Nainar Oil Mills Pvt. Ltd, a subsidiary of the KGB group of companies, was established in the year 2012 by our honorable Managing Director, Mr. P. Kamalakannan. With a commitment to quality and precision with industry standards, we have been earmarked as one of the prominent manufacturers and suppliers of neem variants in India.

It is a sad but indisputable reality that thousands of farmers end their own lives every year in India. The high rate of usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is one of the core issues for this tragedy that demands immediate attention. Those who want to make a transition to organic farming get caught in a quagmire of the financial crisis as affordability poses another threat


Our Vision & Mission

Our aim is to provide farmers worldwide with organic fertilizers which promote essential nutrients in plants without contaminating the soil and water bodies with toxins. In addition, we are also key players in the manufacture of organic insecticides, fungicides, and nematicides which are seen as a breakthrough in pest control after the worldwide use of chemical pesticides known to have adverse effects on plants, not to mention the environmental degradation as well as the health risk to farmers. The raw material to most of our products is neem which contains powerful natural chemicals that have the capacity to rid plants of garden pests. Therefore, next to earthworms, neem oil has a reputation for being a gardener’s best bet for plant cultivation and harvest. Years of painstaking research by our team of eminent scientists followed by trials and testing conducted in Canada and Central America have culminated in products that are not only ISO- and IMO-certified but exceed expectations in their efficacy and yield. Also, we are staying put in the market to break the myth that organic farming is for the elite. Because the good news is that all our neem products are cost-effective, and user- and environment friendly. Currently, we are engaged in exporting our products to North and Central American countries, and very soon the Asian markets in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand will be flooded with our organic fertilizers and organic fungicides, insecticides, and nematicides.

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