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Research and Development

Feeding the growing Indian population is one of the greatest challenges facing India. The amount of available agricultural land is declining due to increasing industrialization, urbanization and deforestation. The resulting poor, sustainable and renewable agro-ecosystems require new and eco- friendly agricultural inputs.

The R&D wing is spearheaded by a Crop Science scientist with more than 22 years of experience in Agriculture. At Shree Nainar Oil Mills Pvt. Ltd., new innovative products are made based on farmers’ requirement. Currently, there are new organic products based on plant extracts, organic surfactants and stabilizers.

The R&D is based in Bangalore, where a team of scientists work together to make new formulations and carry out extensive field trials in various locations in Tamilnadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Andra Pradesh before they are manufactured and commercialized.

  • Research
  • Quality
  • Improvements
  • Satisfaction

Neem – A One-Stop Solution

The neem tree, which is native to India, has a plethora of health benefits as it has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-carcinogenic properties. The neem leaf, especially, is God’s gift to farmers as organic pesticides formulated with neem protect plants from the vicious attacks of a variety of insects and prevent devastating damage to crops. Neem fertilizers are preferable as they enhance the quality of the soil by rendering it more nutritive and fertile compared to chemical fertilizers which can cause untold damage to the essential micro-organisms in the soil and long-term hazards to the environment. Therefore, it a universal truth that neem products can provide a comprehensive solution to farmers.

Fungi CeaZe ( Banana Special Fungicide )

Fungi CeaZe, an organic fungicide, is a completely natural product formulated with plant extracts and oils and, as its name suggests, controls diseases caused in plants by fungal pathogens such as Fusarium wilt, Black and Yellow Sigatoka, Pythium, Alternaria, Plasmopara and Erysiphe without harming the soil, water or air.  Since these fungi can ravage edible fruits and vegetables, it is imperative that farmers take timely measures to eradicate these pathogens.

Neem Oil Cake

Our product, Neem Oil Cake, a by-product obtained from cold pressing neem fruits and kernels, serves as an excellent organic neem fertilizer. It has a natural capacity to function as an insecticide and pesticide. The bitter principles of the soil and cake endow Neem Oil Cake with antifeedant, attractant, repellent, insecticide, nematicide, growth disruptor, and antimicrobial properties.

Neem Kernel Cake

Neem Kernel Cake is an eco-friendly, organic derivative obtained from dried neem seeds after the neem oil is completely extracted. This de-oiled residue contains rich quantities of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, rendering it a natural organic fertilizer.  It not only increases the fertility of the soil but the bitterness of the neem cake and the organic acids produced on decomposition effectively control the nematodes and the white ants.

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