Fungi CeaZe, an organic fungicide, is a completely natural product formulated with plant extracts and oils and, as its name suggests, controls diseases caused in plants by fungal pathogens such as Fusarium wilt, Black and Yellow Sigatoka, Pythium, Alternaria, Plasmopara and Erysiphe without harming the soil, water or air. Since these fungi can ravage edible fruits and vegetables, it is imperative that farmers take timely measures to eradicate these pathogens.
If left to fend for themselves, fruit-bearing trees gradually lose their foliage and eventually there is a heavy fruit drop. Banana growers the world over have been battling plagues caused by various fungi which devastate and wipe out acres and acres of banana plantation, one of which is Fusarium wilt, commonly termed the Panama disease, caused by the soil-based fungus Fusarium that targets the roots. This blocks the water circulation in the plant. As a result, the leaves turn yellow and wilt causing the plant to perish eventually. The fungus also renders the place uncultivable for banana again. Transmission of the fungal spores can occur through surface run-off water, soil and planting material.
The other fungi that majorly threaten the banana world are the Black and Yellow Sigatoka. The former manifests as brown spots or streaks and the latter as yellow spots or streaks which gradually enlarge as lesions. The fungi eat away the tissues due to which the fruit maturation is impaired.
Our organic fungicide, Fungi CeaZe, is a boon for banana growers as it effectively functions to eradicate these fungi and it is known for its rapid results. Soon after its administration, it initially attacks the cell walls of the fungi which renders the fungi dysfunctional. Thus, in a matter of 10 to 15 days, the disease is effectively controlled.
Its speciality is that it does not leave any harmful residue in the plant and its efficacy rate is on par with synthetic chemicals and at times even exceeds expectations. The product also acts as a growth stimulant and increases yield.
Having successfully tried and tested Fungi CeaZe both in crops grown in our home soil under tropical climatic conditions as well as in Central American countries, we are all out to invade the markets in Asian countries with this organic fungicide in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and the Philippines.
Crops: This organic fungicide is used to treat fungal diseases in banana, turmeric, ginger, onion, tomato, grapes, radish, beetroot, cardamom, tea, coffee and potato.
Recommended usage: To get optimal results, the crop must be sprayed or drenched with 5ml/litre of water. The spray or drench volume will vary according to the crop.
For Fusarium wilt, drenching should be with 10 ml in 2 litres of water. After 30 to 40 days, it has to be repeated in the same concentration.
For Black Sigatoka and Yellow Sigatoka, spraying should be done every 15 to 20 days at a concentration of 5ml/litre of water till the disease is eradicated.
Product Availability: Our product is available in 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre and 5-litre bottles. We also supply in bulk as per the customer’s requirement. You can rest assured that when you place an order, we will provide you with ample amounts as per your need