Neem Kernel Cake

Neem Kernel Cake

Neem Kernel Cake is an eco-friendly, organic derivative obtained from neem seeds. It is made from dried neem seeds after the neem oil is completely extracted. This de-oiled Neem Cake contains rich quantities of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, rendering it a natural organic fertilizer.

The residue of neem oil left in the cake, after the oil is extracted, increases the fertility of the soil and prevents soil bacteria from converting nitrogenous compounds into nitrogen gas. The bitterness of the neem cake and the organic acids produced by the Neem Cake on decomposition work together to effectively control the nematodes and the white ants.

It is a challenge to control pests without harming beneficial organisms and polluting the environment. Neem Kernel Cake, nature’s gift to man, helps in controlling pests while increasing the nutrients in the soil. It thus plays a multifunctional role as a fertilizer, pesticide, and nematicide increasing the yield of the plant naturally without rendering any harm to the environment.

Benefits of Neem Kernel Cake

  • Neem Kernel Cake is manure with nutrient-rich nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and other micronutrients.
  • It effectively controls the nematode population and other soil-borne diseases.
  • It makes the soil porous helping it to retain more water.
  • It regulates the nitrogen in the soil.
  • It reduces the alkalinity in the soil.
  • It is suitable for horticultural crops like grapes, bananas, and mango as well as cash crops like sugarcane, cotton, vegetables, etc.
  • It is an excellent fertilizer for organic farming, greenhouses, turfs, and poly houses.


It is recommended for all vegetables, fruits, and tubers; other broadacre crops such as sugarcane, cotton, rice, banana; and plantation crops like cardamom, coffee, tea, etc.

Method of Application:

Mix Neem Kernel Cake thoroughly in the soil and leave it around the roots of plants, vegetables, bushes, and trees to improve immunity in plants, increase fertility, and as pest control measures.

Neem Kernel Cake is compatible with organic products and biofertilizers.

Dosage: Dosages may vary depending upon soil conditions

Crop/Fruit Age(years) Neem Cake Kg.
Grapes Per plant

Per pruning

1.50 Kg.

Per tree


90 days

After plantation


500 gms.
Sweet Lime/ Orange / Lemon per tree 1 to 5

Above 5


5 kg.

10 kg.


Sugarcane Per Acre

In 2 stages

1000 kg.

Per tree


1 to 3

Above 4

Above 10

1 kg.


12 kg.

Okra, Chilli,

Tomato, Brinjal, Cauliflower

Per Acre 600 kg.
Potato / Onion Per Acre 500 kg.

Per tree


1 to 5

Above 5

Above 10


2 kg.

4 kg.

10 kg.

Cashew per tree


Above 4 4 kg.
Cotton Per Acre 200 kg.


Per Acre 300 kg.
Paddy Per plant 600 kg.
Aster, Carnation Per ha 6000 kg.
Chrysanthemum Per ha 6000 kg.
Tuberose Per ha 6000 kg.
Gladiolus Per ha 6000 kg.
Rose Per ha 6000 kg.


Packaging: 50 kg PP bags/As per client requirement. Neem Kernel Cake is available as a pellet as well as a powdered version.

Neem Kernel Cake, Singapore

Neem Kernel Cake is a popular product sold in Singapore known for its efficacy in plant yields and in functioning as a potential pesticide.

Neem Kernel Cake, Malaysia

The organic product is also preferred by agriculturists in Malaysia due to its ability to inhibit the growth of pathogens which can unleash havoc on plants.

Neem Kernel Cake, Philippines

Neem Kernel Cake as a de-oiled residue provides micronutrients essential for the growth of plants and acts as a soil conditioner that is biodegradable and eco-friendly. As it acts as a deterrent to the hatching of eggs of insects in the soil, it is gained ground in the Philippines too.

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