Our neem tests the batches for Azadirachtin, Nimbin & Salannin and aflatoxin B1 (below 2 parts per billion). As cleaned well matured seeds are exclusively used for the extraction, the average Azhadirachtin content rises upto 2000 ppm especially during July-September. Our records show that the average content is 2200 ppm. Studies also indicate that long time storage at the point of reception especially at a temperature of above 30°C results in the reduction of azadirachtin content upto 1800 ppm. Along with this, there are other limonoids present in Neem like Salannin, Nimbin and Nimbidin etc which have a synergistic effect in controlling pests. As the insecticidal property Neem is attributed to the combined effects of several hundreds of bio-chemical molecules and neem oil at low azadirachtin content is still effective raw material for different commercial preparations.

Average value of our Neem oil recorded immediately after the extraction

1) Azadirachtin – min 2000 ppm (0.20%)
2) Nimbin – min 4000 ppm (0.40%)
3) Salannin – min 6000 ppm (0.60%)
Specification Of our Neem Oil :
Azadirachtin content (Both A & B) More than 2000 PPM
Colour Dark Brown
Odour Garlic Repulsive
Refractive index at 40C 1.4617-1.4627
Density at 25C 0.9100-0.9500 gm/cc
Titer C 35-40
Iodine value 68.0 to 76.0
Saponification value 190-204
Unsaponified matter 0.8 – 2.4

Package : 1,5 liter cans. 200 liter or 180 Kg MS or plastic drums. Bulk supplies can be arranged in 10/20 ton tankers by Road / Rail / Sea . Neem oil is not restricted by entry barriers in countries across the world.

Price: Depends on the quantity of order and the season of production of Neem. Please send us an email at sales@neemexim.com. Specify the quantity you wish and frequency of your sales. We will send you the best quote available in the market.

How to Use our Neem Oil as Bio Pesticide
Our Neem oil is used in the preparation of bio pesticides and insecticide and effective against a number of insecticide-resistant pest and doesn’t harm the beneficial insects. Being biodegradable, there is no residue on the final produce. Like most of the vegetable oils Nature Neem oil is also non—soluble in water and has to be made soluble in water with suitable emulsifiers before spraying. Some commonly available emulsifier that can be used is any organic emulsifier can be recommended

How to prepare one tank of organic pesticide using our Neem oil

1) Take One Lt of Water in a container
2) Add 10-15 ml of suitable emulsifier to this one Lt of water and agitate well until the emulsifier gets completely dissolved in water
3) To this solution add 50 ml of our Neem oil and agitate well until a pale yellowish white emulsion is formed
4) Add this prepared emulsion to 9 Lt of water in a bucket and stir thoroughly
5) Now Eco—friendly Powerful 10 Lt Neem oil Bio Pesticide is ready for Spray

Neem Oil application sectors in Agriculture
Agrl Crops, Hydroponics, Aeroponics, Horticultural crops, Greenhouses, Shade houses, Glasshouses, Ornamentals, Plantations, Interiorscapes, Landscapes, Nurseries, Turf Grass, Shrubs, Trees, etc;

Other uses
Neem oil is used as raw material in the commercial preparation of the following known products. Neem oil is excellent moisturizing oil and contains various compounds that have insecticidal and medicinal properties. It is used in making shampoos, toothpaste, soaps, cosmetics, mosquito repellants, creams and lotions, pet products like pet shampoo, etc. It also contains vitamin E, other essential amino acids and some percentages of fatty acids. Neem oil is used for treating many skin diseases viz. eczema, psoriasis, skin allergies, etc. and is being studied for making contraceptives in India. A compound found in Neem Oil and neem leaves extract- ‘Salanin’, has been proven to be safer but more effective insect repellant than DEET. Neem provides protection from not only mosquitoes, but also from biting flies, sand fleas and ticks. Neem oil can be added to regular shampoo for controlling itchy scalp and dandruff. For pets, neem oil can be added to pet shampoo to kill ticks and fleas or the area where the pets usually use can be treated with neem oil spray.

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